North To Alaska

One of the things that Sue and I have talked about for some time is taking a trip to Alaska.  We thought of going on a cruise.  The problem with doing a cruise is that wherever you go, 2000 other people go with you-essentially you bring the crowds with you.  So we figured we would go it on our own.  It seems like other things always came first, so we never go to our Alaska trip.

Then my younger sister’s husband took a consulting job in Soldotna, Alaska for six months, so we figured we might as well take advantage of a built in guide while we could.  So Sue took to Trip Advisor and Google and came up with a plan.  We flew into Anchorage and after spending the night, headed to Talkeetna to the Denali Overlook Inn.

When Sue booked the room, she took one of the middle of the road rooms due to being able to save a little cash.  A couple of days after she booked the room, we got a call back from the inn keeper.  Seems that another guest had requests such that they needed the room we had booked.  So they were going to upgrade us to the Denali View suite.  Well, we would first like to thank the other guest, since our room was the prime room at the inn.  When lying on the bed, we had a view of Denali, the tallest mountain in North America.

Many people who visit Denali National Park never see the whole mountain due to the cloudy, overcast conditions.  The day we arrived, the summit of the mountain was covered with a layer of clouds.  Sunset time was around 9:35 pm, so I figured with all the clouds we might have a nice sunset.  Sunset did indeed put on quite a show.


And when looking out at the mountains, Denali put on a show even with the clouds.

The next morning I woke up early to see the sun just kissing the top of the peaks.  Of course I had to grab the camera and take a few images as the sun continued to rise.

Later in the day, the clouds cleared and we finally saw the full grandeur of the mountains. Somewhere Sue read that less than 30% of the people who travel to Denali will actually see the total mountain.  After two days we officially joined the 30% club.